
The term midwife is derived from Middle English: mid = “with” and Old English: wif = “woman”. A midwife is a health care professional who, in partnership with the woman provides care, education and support during pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, thus facilitating parenting.
Midwifery is traditionally holistic, combining an understanding of the social, psychological, spiritual and physical aspects of a woman’s reproductive experience
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We believe in an integrated and holistic approach for childbirth preparation, for labour and birth, and what follows thereafter. It is our aim to meet your needs and where possible, personalize the course content to your specific needs.
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With the belief that almost all women are inherently capable of giving birth, have a deep, intuitive instinct about birth, and, when supported and free to find comfort, are able to give birth without intervention and without suffering.
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You need to ask the hard questions: what is the plan, how do you ensure safety, what are the steps taken, what qualifications, what equipment, what is the transfer procedure, costs etc etc.
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Choosing a care provider is one of the most difficult decisions a pregnant mom has to make, and definitely the one with the most far-reaching consequences for her birth experience.
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Water Births

Water has been used from as early as 1806 for pain relief and to aid relaxation during labour and birth. It soothes the tension away and in doing so relaxes those oh so tight muscles – including the cervix. Water has been proven to speed up the birth process and reduce the incidence of intervention. It is a safe and positive option for those interested in using water for labour or birth. There are often many concerns and questions which should rightly be asked and answered. Read more here:

  1. Water birth
  2. Water birth basics – From Newborn Breathing to Hospital Protocols, by Barbara Harper, RN, Originally published in Midwifery Today Magazine, Summer 2000
  3. Wondering about water birth? – by Heather Pieterse, published in Sensitive Midwifery Magazine, April/June 2012

VBAC Births

There are many reasons why a woman would consider having a vaginal birth after a previous c/section including quicker recovery time, shorter hospital stay and being able to resume your normal activities sooner.   Some women prefer the idea of being more involved/an active part of their birth experience, some may feel of loss from not previously having birthed vaginally.  Each woman has their own unique reason for wanting to attempt a vaginal birth and all the evidence published over the past few years indicates that a woman under the right circumstances should be afforded the opportunity to attempt a vaginal birth after c/section (VBAC).

There is a huge worldwide drive for preventing the primary caeserian section i.e only doing a c/section when it is truly indicated and medically safer for either mom or baby and not for social or feeble reasons that are not truly evidence based.

Read more about VBAC’s